Monday, November 21, 2011



I have found that everyone needs some inspiration and motivation, and quotes as well as songs are the best.

·         If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes.
St. Clement of Alexandra

·         Men's best successes come after their disappointments.
Henry Ward Beecher

·         The best way out is always through.
Robert Frost

·         You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Wayne Gretzky

·         May the sun always shine on your windowpane; May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain; May the hand of a friend always be near you; May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
Irish Blessing

·         Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. John Maxwell 

·         "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Plato

·         "Believe deep down in your heart that you're destined to do great things." Joe Paterno

·         "If you'll not settle for anything less than your best, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your lives." Vince Lombardi

·         "All things come round to him who will but wait." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

·         Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck." Dalai Lama

"Remember, the inspiration follows action and not vice versa."
Aronson, Eric, Dash.
Sarah Evans- A little bit stronger

Marianda Lambert-New Strings

And just a song to make everyone smile

Thanks giving

Thanks giving

            Sitting back and taking time for yourself is great! But, I am looking forward to turkey day!! Not just for all the food but for the family. And now that I don’t live at home, I am more thank full for things.

1.      I am thankful for my mommy, without her I wouldn’t be here. She pushes me through everything and is always there for me. If I need a sholder to cry on or a best friend to gossip to she is always there and will always listen. I love her so much!!

2.      My boyfriend. He is my best friend. Always helping me though whatever I need help with. He will spend endless hours studying with me, and letting me fall asleep in his arms after a long day of classes, or even crying over whatever. He always makes everything better. And knows just how to make me smile.

3.      His parents. Joe (my boyfriend) has two of the greatest parents. They let me stay in their house every weekend to just get away and have some down time, or a quiet place to study. They are always willing to help me. Cook me a great home cooked meal or even doing a load of laundry. The little things matter most.

4.      The café staff. The café staff on campus are always smiling. Witch always makes me smile. And they make the best school food ever!!!

5.      The housing staff. They clean our messes, make sure things stay fixed always smile. And talk whenever we see them.

I have more to be thankful for, this is just my top 5.

Be yourself

Be yourself

            I’m not sure about others, but as my first semester of college comes to an end i look back and realize how much I have changed. I came into college, not thinking I was really going to change, but the truth is, I have. I went from not caring about my weight or what I look like, to now I feel so self conscious and always have my hair and makeup done. At the beginning of the semester I was jealous of my roommate. I thought she had it all, look, brains, body. Truth is, she couldn’t be any more fake. I thought we were ‘best friends’ I guess I was wrong.

            My relationship with my boyfriend has changed as well. We have gone though a few hardships but things have only gotten better. Through working on our relationship I have developed skills I can use in my everyday life. Such as, communication. I have learned to communicate how I feel without yelling, or be littleing others. Also, I have learned to channel my anger and stress. I have found that cleaning relaxes me. And that in a fight, it is ok to take a break, go calm down and then return.

            Not all change is good though, as the year continues I become more independent and more of an adult. It is hard on my parents and me when I go home. And at home, there are rules and a curfew. Witch causes some problems. But we usually get through it.

            I guess a major thing I have learned this semester was that you need to be yourself, and don’t try to be like someone else. And don’t be afraid to do anything, just go for it. Don’t depend so much on others, its time for you to do you. It is your life, no one else can live it for you. I didn’t think I would make it this far, and I have. And the things I have learned from this semester I will take with me forever.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

classy vs trashy


Just because it is Halloween doesn’t mean you can dress nasty!!! Here are a few costume ideas to help you dress cute..


Just because it is Halloween some people think it is ok to show off everything they have. And honestly, no one wants to see it all. Same some for closed doors. After walking around with some little kids on Halloween, and seeing girls as young as 13 walking around like this, please respect your self ladies!!

i wish i would have known

I wish I would have known

There are some things I wish I would have known before I got here. And some things I wish I would of done differently…

·         Learn to coupon shop

·         Buy sales not regular priced anything

·         Make friends before you move in

·         Be outgoing even if it kills you

·         Leave your door open

·         Sticky notes are wonderful

·         Prepare to get sick, stock up on meds

·         Learn to be organized

·         Eat healthy..use the gym

·         Figure out how to make good meals out of the microwave

·         Save money before you move in

·         Find a job, on campus or off

·         Color code everything!!

·         Wonder the area and see what the city has to offer

·         Get involved even if it kills you(:

·         Have fuunn, don’t let anything hold you back

·         Bring a coat

·         Hot chocolate and cider are amazing for morning classes

·         Not everything is going to be the same as when you were in high school, your going to change, so is your friends from high school

·         College is like networking, you never know when your going to need the kid sitting next to you in your psychology class

·         Do your homework, don’t slack

·         You cant live off energy drinks

·         Café food isn’t that bad

·         Don’t expect to sleep much when its nice out

·         Change isn’t always a bad thing

·         Don’t buy your textbooks until you know for sure the teacher is actually going to use them. If you do have to buy them, purchase them online. They will be SO MUCH cheaper.

·         Don’t room with a friend

·         Always drink at least two glasses of water before going to bed after a night of drinking. You’ll feel a thousand times better when you wake up

·         Don't sign up for any classes that start before 10 am unless you are a morning person or don't like to party.

·         Don't procrastinate on reading or completing assignments.

·         Bad roomates can literally ruin your education in as little as a single semester.

This is just a few things I have been told, or have found out on my own!! Enjoy college it is the time of your life

losing support

Losing Support

            The last few weeks of my first year of college have been crazy. Went to my first Frat party, had the time of my life. Got into a huge fight with both my parents, now they will not give me money, got into a fight with my boyfriend, and homework is horrible. I feel like I am losing all my support I once had. I feel like no one is there any more. And growing up sucks. I turn 18 on Saturday. And I am not looking forward to it. The older I get the worse things seem. Never knew being on my own in a foreign city would be so hard. I always thought my parents would be there for me. My boyfriend seems to think that it will blow over, but I am not to sure about that.

            The feeling of falling behind in school, still dealing with financial aid issues, losing all support and trying to balance social and school life…I am starting to realize why so many people drop out. I also feel like I am not smart enough to be here, my writing abilities, my test scores my everything is not where I want it to be. And no matter how hard I try I do not feel like I am where I should be.

            Some days I wonder why I am here, why am I wasting my time doing something I don’t know if I can do. But then I think about everything I have gone though to make it here. And I believe I can do it, believe I can get through it all, and I believe that everything happens for a reason. Also that everything happens for a reason. And no matter what, I am doing this for me, not anyone else. It is hard to think about some times. But truly it helps.

            On a good note, I have made some great new friends recently. And they have been so supportative. And help keep me on track. Weather I need to go work out so I am not so stressed, or if I need to get put in check they are there for me.

            College would be impossible without a good support system. And mine has grown so much since I have been here. Although I am pretty stressed out lately, I know I can do it, and I know I can get through it. All because of my great support system.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

An Update

            Here we are about 7 weeks into the school year. I have gone home a few times, but it isn’t the same. Its not home to me anymore. Especially going from living here in Rochester to going out in the middle of nowhere, where my parents live. I love getting out of my room every once in a while, and my boyfriend is sure to get my roommate and I out as much as possible. And I love seeing my parents, but it isn’t the same anymore.

            College is going great; I love my roommate and have made some great friends. My RA is great to, she’s always there to help. Classes are not what I expected. The class sizes vary from 15- 150 seats. And each professor is different. Some are willing to help, others are not. I have developed a new love for school food! And have learned to sleep through loud people in Hamlin circle.

            Although I love campus and living here. I love going away on the weekends. The past few weekends I have spent at my boyfriend’s parents house. There his mom does my laundry, makes a home cooked meals and it is always quiet there and I feel like I can sleep all day. His parents are great and have helped me quite a bit. And that Is nice to have. They are closer to me in distance than my own parents.

            Music keeps me sane! I love I have many play lists for each mood. Having music going always makes doing homework more enjoyable. Whenever I put a good station on I feel like I can just go. Weather I’m doing homework, folding clothes or cleaning music makes everything better.

            Laundry in the dorms! Ha ha those are a hit or miss. Either you come at a great time and all the washers are open or you come at a time and there is a line for the washers. And if you don’t switch your laundry as soon as it’s finished, chances are next time you come down, your clothes will either be on top of the washer or on the table. There are more students living here, then there are washes available.

            Over all college life has been great. I’m still working on getting a hang of the homework and studying. But I’m getting there. I have learned more from my peers than I have in class. My peers are going through the same thing I am and they are always open to say how they do it.

            I cant wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for me. I’m looking forward to it!!

Midterm Madness

            Midterm Madness

By the middle of the semester, everyone has their group of friends, has their way of doing things and probably sick of class by now.  That doesn’t mean you can just give up. It is midterm time!! Exam after exam always studying, have papers due, reading to be done, and of course a social life. So it’s pretty normal to be stressed out. As a freshman, I am in that boat right about now. Having to chose between something I love doing, and studying. And as hard as it is to say and do, studying has to come first.

            But, you cannot just spend your life studying. You would go crazy! Take some time out to have dinner with friends, listen to music, or do stress reliever activities. Such as, taking a nap, reading a personal book, playing with play doe or even coloring. Little things like that help keep you’re head on straight. Also making sure to get enough sleep is always a good thing too.

            Don’t slack!! Your grades are very important. It is hard to just shut off your phone, not have your computer in your face and just study. But find ways to make studying fun. For example, form a study group, or a friend to study with, compare what your learning to something you like. Quiz each other. And if you can teach it to someone else, then you know it well enough to pass the test. But don’t just mess around with your study group or buddy. Make sure you actually do the work, or its pointless to even waste your time.

            Breaks are important! Don’t expect to study Psychology for 5 hours. Your brain will hurt! Take breaks, for every half hour studying, take a 10 min break. And don’t study right before bed, in your sleep you will forget everything you have learned. And if you still can’t figure it out, go see your APM they are there to help with study tips or direct you to a great campus resource to help you learn the information. Don’t be afraid to talk with your professors they are there to help. And know what will be on the exam, they also can give you study tips.

            I know mid terms suck! But don’t give up, it’s just the beginning. Don’t over work yourself. Make sure you eat and sleep healthy. Don’t expect this to be like high school and you just take the exam without studying, it doesn’t work like that anymore. You now have to work for your grades!

Good Luck!!! J

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

college and relationships

                        Having relationships in high school were easy, you generally went to the same school or lived relatively close. Once you get to college things are different, especially if the relationship is one from home. No matter how much you see them it will never be like living in the same town. As boyfriend and girlfriend you should sit down and set boundaries and make sure you see each other and abide by those boundaries.  

            Also, make sure you guys spend time just you to. Have a “date night” and go find something to do around town. Get off campus for a bit. Staying in your room all the time can be like a prison cell. Get out and do stuff together it will make your partner more comfortable, and you can see the area. And its always nice to Spend time together.

Headin Home

When you go home for the first time after you get to College, it might not be what you expect. Its nice to see everyone, and see your parents. But, if your parents are anything like mine, then nothing will change from when you lived there. I still had rules, still had chores, and I was only there a night. I loved spending time with my family. And seeing a few friends but leaving…that was harder then when they left me at school.

            I had to take an unexpected trip home this week. My dad had called and told me my mom was sick and in the hospital. My roommate and I skipped classes for the rest of the day and went home. But at the end of the night, after she was released to go home, it was difficult to leave. Some words of advice do not go home unless you have to. Or until you’re ready. Now its hunting season, so I will be seeing more of my dad and I know I wont miss home as much. So I am really looking forward to that. I will miss Oakland though. When I am gone its weird not being here.

            Next time…relationships

Thursday, September 22, 2011

College & Drama

Uhhoh Drama

You’re in college, not high school. But, the drama still follows. Just because you left all your friends back home, and you’re in college now doesn’t mean there won’t be drama. Everyone is on their own, no parents, and newly found freedom. Relationships are going to happen, break ups will happen. And when you live on campus, you will see s/he everywhere. Girls will be girls, no matter what some girls just want attention. And it’s not just girls, college boys have drama too. It is typical for a guy to go from girl to girl and try and break up friendships. So, it’s pretty much just like high school all over again. The drama never leaves, so be prepared!!!

            Good luck!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Financial Aid Fears

Financial Aid Fears

Housing? Books? Meal Plan? Loans? FASFA? Refund checks? All these things are scarey and quickly add up in price. Reading the information on SAIL can be pretty confusing. But, don’t fear because there are people there to help you. The Financial Aid office. Watching the people come out of the cubical of offices crying and be pretty intimidating. And the long wait in line can add to the fear. But everyone needs to make sure they are in good standing. This should be done before the bill is due. So, you don’t realize you now owe the school a few thousand dollars.

                The advisors understand students don’t exactly like going to see them, or hearing what they have to say sometimes. Truly, they are there to help the students get through school financially. A student can work out a payment plan and even get help finding loans if needed. Financial aid isn’t all bad. Its nice when they send you a check with “left over” money.

                As a freshman I was pretty scared going to see the advisor. As I was waiting in line I was coming up with a back up plan incase my financial aid didn’t go through for whatever reason. Worried, I sat in line for what seemed like forever. Just to find out, things were ok and I was all set. So words of advice for freshman, don’t be scared to ask questions! They are there to help you, not push you away!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

College Life

College Life Blog 1

As we pulled up, van loaded with my overly packed boxes I realized my life was never going to be the same. My mom had been avoiding the topic of college for weeks. And here we were, move in day. Not knowing what the next year at OU would be like, or where life was going to take me. Full of excitement, we unloaded the van and began the unpacking process. Boxes scattered, to many people in a small room, we were all frustrated. Finally said our good byes and the college life began.

            From unpacking, to barbeques, floor meetings, and people coming in and out of the room the first day was nothing but chaos. Finding fun ways to get go to know each other, coloring parties in our room, a floor sleep over’s, grizz gang jumping jamboree, more free food and so many activities and free stuff going on during welcome week. I knew college was going to be great experience I’d never forget. As the days progressed, our wall getting filled with colored pictures, and new found friendships, OU became home.

            Classes finally came; walking into my first class with over 100 students was a shocker. I turned to April and said I’m not sure if I can do this. In walks my professor, instantly I knew my assumptions of the class were all wrong. Psychology quickly became my favorite class, even with the 150 other students. Not all classes are easy to like, some professors do nothing but lecture, and has many students on facebook, or leaving early. Lunch time in the OC is scary!  Hundreds of hungry students moving through the unorganized lines. So many choices, so little time. Jumping in to a short line and hoping the food is good is the best way to deal with lunch. Finding a place to eat is a complete different story, if its nice out, go outside.

            Now here we are, after a few weeks of classes, still getting free stuff everywhere I go. And for being college kids, we sure do love out bounce houses, and free food. Everyone is nice around campus, and always willing to help. Oakland University has everything we could ever need, from writing help, to needing someone to vent about your annoying roommate. Oakland has it all.

            I hear from my mom every day, she tells me how much shes misses me. And that makes things harder to deal with. But, knowing at the end of the week my boyfriend will come up and get us out of the room for a while, is always something to look forward to. Although OU is home, its nice to go out and see Rochester and the surrounding areas. I look forward to this year at Oakland and the memories I make here ill never foreget.